Monday, April 15, 2013

Mother Daughter Day

We interrupt your regular planned vacation posts to inform you of awesome deals that I found this weekend with my mom while yard sale-ing. Now, while the rest of the finds were great, the last one was really the jackpot! Driving past the townhouse there were a few chairs and a bakers rack sitting outside. I told mom it was her call to go in or not (I'm so glad we did!) It took a little bit to take in the variety of stuff they had. Eventually more things I liked kept popping up. We ended up spending a good bit of time there. The sisters running it were all very sweet, making us a little (and by the end very large) pile so we could keep looking.

This 3-piece luggage set was the first thing I saw. I passed by it a few times without thinking much of it. When finally, the bag in the front really stood out. Since not being a winner in a recent Jo-Totes giveaway, and not having that much money to get the beautiful Gracie Mustard camera bag, to be able to find something pure vintage and in great condition, I couldn't resist. The sisters all gathered around to watch as I opened each piece, I just kept falling in love. They made me a great offer so I could get all 3 and keep them together. 

This is the key. Adorable right? 

 On the floor next to the luggage was a medium-sized box filled with cameras. While sifting through them (and knowing me) I couldn't not get all of them, even though I have a few of these models already. You can never have too many vintage cameras! Some have already found permanent places in the house, while the others were placed with the rest of my collection.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Birmingham Zoo

Compared to other Zoos I've been to, the Birmingham Zoo seemed to focus a lot on cats and birds (not saying I don't like either of those things). They classified the cats as "Predators" however I thought they were all adorable and wanted to take them home. 

My sister tried to get me to convince an employee to trade this adorable monkey for $20. Needless to say that employee thought we were bananas (Funny pun!)  

This peacock was the 1st thing we saw when we walked in, I adored it for 2 reasons : 1. It was a rebel and decided it wasn't meant to be in confined to one area 2. It matched my hair.

The only other Zoo that had a Red Panda was the Zoo in Atlanta, however when we'd gone they stayed hidden, so I was very glad that I was finally able to see them. Aren't they adorable?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pre-Spring Break Road Trip

As some of you may know I recently went on vacation with my sister. We visited family, went antiquing and just explored new cities. Our first destination was Birmingham, Alabama where we went to the Birmingham Zoo and Botanical gardens.

Brittney and I made sure to stop at every welcome center we passed through. Alabama was the 1st state! 

We were so happy when we arrived at the Zoo! They had Red Pandas, lots of cats, and a ton of birds!

This is Leaf & Petal, an adorable plant/ gift shop. It was right before you walked into the Botanical gardens. I ended up getting quite a few things in here. I would live there if I could. 

Keep checking back. I'll be posting frequently. 
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